Friday, September 20, 2024

                                                                                                                                  Friday 20th of September

Do now

1. how things are shown in the media 

2. how it presents itself negative of positive

3. is the judge of a person because of there religion , race , sexuality a generalised representation of a person place or thing 

4. two

5. audiences 


private school boy: spoiled , sporty , smart , posh 

teacher: smart , goes by the rules , tells off kids 

grandmother: sweet , loving , old and weak 

the teachers were represented as trying to help the students kind funny and caring however the students were represented as annoying and naughty but always shows the bad side of the kids and never the teachers.

representations in magazines 

LO: to explore the representations found in magazines  

Masthead: the name of a person company organisation that is displayed on the front of a magazine cover 

Cover lines: a line of text on the front cover of a magazine briefly describing or promoting the content   

Main image: the element that covers you magazine cover 

Puff:  an eye catching graphic or text drawing  attention 

Colour palette: a chosen set of colour to be used on a graphic    

Direct address: the use of the words abut you pointing to you or when the model is looking at the camera the audience , you 

Star vehicle: a way to say celebrity    

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